Source: Warhammer Armies Project

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There are two different kinds of cannon profiles, representing the differing size and power of various cannons.


RangeStrengthSpecial Rules

Great Cannon

RangeStrengthSpecial Rules

Firing a Cannon

To fire a cannon, first pivot to face the target following the normal rules for war machines. Then, nominate a model or building within the cannon's line of sight, outside of its minimum range and within its maximum range.

When you have chosen your target, place a small marker over your target as a reminder of where the shot is intended to land.

Once the marker has been placed, roll for scatter using a scatter dice and an artillery dice. Assuming that you didn't roll a misfire on the artillery dice, it's now time to find out whether or not your shot was on target.

If a hit is rolled on the scatter dice, the shot has landed on target. In this case, we ignore the number shown on the artillery dice – the hit is all we need.

If an arrow is rolled, the shot has missed its original target and scatters off elsewhere. Move the marker a distance in inches equal to the result of the artillery dice divided by half, in the direction shown on the scatter dice.

Using your tape measure, extend a 'shot' line from the cannon's barrel all the way to the marker – this is the direction the cannonball travels straight forward.

If you roll a misfire, roll on the Black Powder Misfire chart below. Regardless of the result rolled, the cannon does not shoot this turn.

Dot indicates initial position. The cannon targets the model, as marked by the dot. After that, the player rolls the artillery and scatter dice to find out whether or not the shot lands on target.
Dot indicates position after scatter. The artillery dice did not roll a 'Hit'; and as such the cannonball scatter the distance (divided by half) shown in the artillery dice; in this case, 2" in the direction of the scatter dice.

Black Powder Misfire Chart




Destroyed: The war machine is destroyed.


Malfunction: The war machine therefore cannot fire this turn or in the controlling player's next turn. Either turn the war machine model round or place a marker of some kind to indicate this.


May not Shoot: The war machine is unharmed and can shoot as normal again in the controlling player's next turn.


Assuming that the cannon did not misfire, then hopefully the cannonball will bounce straight forward and crush any targets in its path.

To determine how far the cannonball bounces, roll the artillery dice again. If the result is a misfire then the cannonball does not bounce – it thuds into the ground and comes to rest. Any model under the spot where the cannonball comes to rest is hit, but they are the only victim!

Assuming you don't roll a misfire, then the cannonball bounces the distance rolled – extend your tape measure a distance equal to the roll of the dice. If the cannonball bounces into impassable terrain that would, in reality, stand in the way of the shot, such as a sheer cliff, it stops immediately.

The bounce of the cannonball is determined using the line template. On most occasions, any model whose base is between the point where the cannonball first strikes the ground and where it eventually comes to land is hit automatically. Note that a maximum of one model per rank struck can be hit. If the cannon is in the target's flank, the target's files count as ranks.

Dot indicates initial position. The cannonball lands right on target. The following bounce goes through all three ranks of the unit, scoring 3 hits.
Dot indicates initial position. The cannonball strikes the large model, but does not kill it, so the shot does not go through the unit behind.

Direct Hit

Damage is resolved differently depending on whether or not the cannon ball hits a model directly or not. Normal Cannons have both the Multiple Wounds (D6) and (D3) special rules. It inflicts D6 Wounds only if the cannon ball lands directly on a model (that is, where the marker is placed after the first artillery and scatter dice are rolled), models hit by the bounce only suffer D3 Wounds. Great Cannons on the other hand, inflicts D6 Wounds on both direct hits and the bounce.

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