Source: Warhammer Armies Project

Rally Fleeing Units
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The player takes Leadership tests for each fleeing unit they have. If the test is passed, the unit stops fleeing and immediately reforms. A unit that has 25% or less of its starting models left have their Leadership halved (rounded up).

During the Compulsory Moves sub-phase, the player picks any one of their fleeing units and tests to rally it (as explained below). They then proceed to the next fleeing unit and attempt to rally it, and so on, in any order they wish, until all units that are able to make a rally attempt have done so.

If the unit started to flee in this turn it cannot attempt to rally the same turn.

A unit attempts to rally by taking a Leadership test. If the fleeing unit has been reduced in size to a quarter (25%) or less of the number of models with which it began the game, its Leadership value is halved (after any other modifiers, special rule or abilities are applied, rounded up).

If the Rally test is failed the unit continues to flee. If the Rally test is successful, the unit stops fleeing. A unit that has successfully rallied immediately makes a reform manoeuvre. A rallied unit cannot perform further actions during the Movement phase, and loses its opportunity to make a shooting attack in the Shooting phase. Note that a rallied unit can cast spells as normal.

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