Source: Warhammer Armies Project

Dawn Attack
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The Armies

Each player chooses their force using the army list from a Warhammer Armies book, to an equal points value agreed before the game.

The Battlefield

Set up terrain as described under the "Fighting a Battle" chapter.


Roll off to see which player picks the half of the table they will deploy in. The opponent will deploy in the other half.




Left Flank. The entire unit must be placed in the player's half, more than 12" from the centre line, and within 18" of the narrow table edge on the player's left.


Right Flank. The entire unit must be placed in the player's half, more than 12" from the centre line, and within 18" of the narrow table edge on the player's right.


Centre. The entire unit must be placed in the player's half, more than 12" from the centre line, and more than 18" from either narrow table edge.


Choose. The entire unit must be placed in the player's half, anywhere more than 12" from the centre line.

The player that won the roll off must deploy their entire army first. Before deploying each unit, roll a dice and refer to the Deployment table to see where the unit must deploy.

Units with the Scouts special rule do not roll on the table, and deploy using their own special rules after normal deployment is complete. Characters may either deploy on their own, rolling on the table like any other unit, or deploy as part of a unit they are allowed to join (state that the character will join the unit before rolling to see where the unit and character will deploy).

Once the first player has deployed, their opponent must do likewise, rolling for each unit as described above.


First Turn

After deployment, the player that set up second rolls a dice. On a roll of 6 they can choose who has the first turn. On a roll of 1-5 the player that set up first chooses who has the first turn.

Game Length

The battle will last for six game turns, or until a time limit agreed by the players is reached, whichever comes first.

Victory Conditions

Use victory points to determine the winner of the battle.

Scenario Special Rules


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