Source: Warhammer Armies Project

Breath Weapons
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A model with a Breath Weapon can use it to make a special attack once per shooting or close combat phase. A model with two or more different Breath Weapons must choose which one they want to use. The form that this special attack takes depends on whether or not the creature is in close combat. In the event that a model has more than one Breath Weapon attack, it is permitted to attempt to use only one in a single turn.

However, after each Breath Weapon has been used the first time, roll a D6 before attempting to use it again in later rounds. On 4+, it may be used as normal. On a 1- 3, the model is literally out of breath, and cannot use its Breath Weapon this round. It may choose to attack normally in close combat instead.

Note that Breath Weapons are not physical attacks, and certain models may be Immune to the effects of some Breath Weapons.

Breath Weapon Shooting Attack

Provided the model is not in close combat, it can use its Breath Weapon during its Shooting phase. A Breath Weapon shooting attack can be made even if the model marched or reformed during the same turn, but it cannot be used as a Stand and Shoot charge reaction.

To perform the attack, place the flame template so that it lies entirely within the model's forward arc, with the narrow end touching the model's base, and so that it is not touching any friendly units or enemy units that are in close combat. All models that are even partially under the template are automatically hit, following the normal rules for the flame template. The Strength and any special effects of the creature's Breath Weapon will be covered in its rules.

Breath Weapon Close Combat Attack

If the model with this special rule is in close combat, it can use the Breath Weapon instead of using its normal attacks. A model that makes a breath weapon attack in this way inflicts 2D6 automatic hits (resolved like shooting) on a single enemy unit in base contact – if there is more than one enemy unit in base contact with the model, the controlling player chooses which enemy unit suffers the hits. Note that no single model in the target unit may be Hit more than once from the same breath weapon attack – any excess hits are ignored. As with breath weapon attacks made in the Shooting phase, the Strength and any special effects of the creature's Breath Weapon will be covered in its rules, any other special rules do not apply. Wounds caused by a Breath Weapon in close combat count towards combat resolution.

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