Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)
Special RulesURL Copied!
A Warhammer battle is packed with fantastic creatures and skilled warriors whose abilities are so incredible and varied that the basic rules cannot possibly cover them all. For such circumstances we have special rules - uncommon rules to govern uncommon circumstances. When a creature has an ability that breaks or bends one of the main game rules, it is often represented by a special rule. A special rule can boost a model's chances of causing damage, such as by granting poisoned weapons, or enhance its Strength. Alternatively, a special rule can improve a model's survivability, by granting it a better armour save or the ability to regrow damaged flesh. It is through the use of the special rules that Dragons breathe fire, Assassins strike with lightning speed and Giants cause bowel-loosening terror in their enemies.
Unless stated otherwise, a model does not have a special rule. Most special rules are given to a model by the relevant entry in its Warhammer Armies book. In addition, a model's attacks can gain special rules because of the equipment it is using. Similarly, a model might get special rules as the result of a spell that has been cast upon it or perhaps even as the result of it being in a particular type of terrain. Where this is the case, the rule that governs the equipment, spell or terrain feature in question will make this clear.
Most of the more commonly used special rules in Warhammer are listed here, but many troop types have their own unique abilities laid out in their Warhammer Armies book. Certain special rules partly consist of other special rules, all mentioned in the following pages.
Unless otherwise noted, the effects of different special rules are cumulative. However, unless otherwise stated, a model gains no additional benefit from having the same special rule multiple times. This also applies to unique special rules in the various Warhammer Armies books that might contain special rules that are normally cumulative.
Some special rules have an effect at the beginning of the battle, or before the game starts. These effects take place after both armies are deployed and any Deployment special rules have occurred but before the roll for first turn.
Some special rules, especially in the Army Books, will affect models of a certain type. Note that special rules and spells such as this only ever affect friendly units from their own army, and will not affect enemy or allied units that happen to be in range.
Eventually you are likely to come upon situations where two opposing special rules are in play. In these cases, the two special rules will simply cancel each other out either partially or completely, and neither will have an effect.
Main RulebookURL Copied!
- Always Strikes First
- Always Strikes Last
- Ambushers
- Animated Construct
- Aquatic
- Armour Piercing (*)
- Breath Weapons
- Devastating Charge
- Dodge (*)
- Ethereal
- Expendable
- Fast Cavalry
- Fear
- Fight in Extra Ranks (*)
- Flaming Attacks
- Flammable
- Fly (*)
- Frenzy
- Hatred
- Heroic Killing Blow
- Hidden
- Ice Attacks
- Ignores Armour Saves
- Ignores Cover
- Immunity (*)
- Impact Hits (*)
- Killing Blow
- Large Target (*)
- Lightning Attacks
- Loremaster (*)
- Magic Resistance (*)
- Magical Attacks
- Mixed Unit
- Move or Fire
- Multiple Shots (*)
- Multiple Wounds (*)
- Natural Armour (*)
- Parry (*)
- Poisoned Attacks
- Quick to Fire
- Random Attacks (*)
- Random Movement (*)
- Regeneration (*)
- Requires Two Hands
- Scouts
- Skirmishers
- Slow to Fire
- Sniper
- Stomp
- Strength Bonus (*)
- Strider
- Stubborn
- Stupidity
- Swiftstride
- Terror
- Unbreakable
- Unstable
- Vanguard
- Volley Fire
AlbionURL Copied!
- Befuddling Glamour
- Big Things Chart
- Big Things Chart (Bonegrinder Giant)
- Bigger Things Chart
- Bonegrinder Giant Special Attacks
- Born of Bloodmarsh
- Conduit of Power
- Crush!
- Druidic Rites
- 'Eadbutt
- Embodiment of Albion
- Falian
- Fall Over
- Fall Over (Bonegrinder Giants)
- Fateful Destiny
- Finian
- Fir Domain
- Fire Pots
- Fly-Infested Rotweed
- Giant Special Attacks
- Grapple and...
- Guardian of the Coast
- Hero of Albion
- High Druid
- Jump Up and Down
- Kick
- Leechloam
- Lifebloom Silt
- Man-sized Things Chart
- Man-sized Things Chart (Bonegrinder Giant)
- Master of the Hunt
- Murder of Crows
- Omen of War
- Pick Up and...
- Sessair
- Shieldbearers
- Steel Head
- Stone Thrower (Albion)
- Swing with Club
- 'There Can Be Only One!'
- Throw Rocks
- Thump with Club
- Tribal Affiliation
- Vomit
- War Cry
- War Fury
- War Hawks
- Warrior Queen
- Woad Paint
- Yell and Bawl
AmazonsURL Copied!
ArabyURL Copied!
- Acrobat
- Armour Plates (Araby)
- Bladedances
- Bodyguard (Araby)
- Carpet Bombing
- Conjure Genies
- Corsair Captain
- Counterattack
- Cumbersome
- Dao
- Despot
- Dibbukim
- Disciplined
- Djinn
- Drop Attack
- Efreet
- Enchanting Beauty (Araby)
- The First Division
- Genie Binding
- Genie Master
- Genie Types
- Great Sultan of Araby
- Holy Man
- Khar-mel's Curse
- Khar-mel's Luck
- Mad Sorcerer
- Mahout
- Marid
- Master Thief
- Monster Bombard
- Radiant Aura
- Righteousness of Faith
- Sands of Time
- Slavemaster
- Spike Chain (Araby)
- Spiked Tusks (Araby)
- Stampede (Araby)
- Strategic Genius
- Thronebearers (Araby)
- Vessel of the Ages
- Whirling Dervish
- Whirlwind (Khar-mel)
- Zealotry (Araby)
BeastmenURL Copied!
- Aura of Madness
- Aura of Transmutation
- Bagrar the Tamer
- The Beast-Roar
- Beastmen Ambush
- Bestial Cunning
- Big Things Chart
- Bloodgreed
- Bloodrage (Manticore)
- Brass Body
- Bruised and Bitter
- Chaos Mutations
- Constant Wailing
- Consuming Hatred
- Curse of the Famine-fiend
- Despoilers
- Drunken
- 'Eadbutt
- Endless Malice
- Fall Over
- Father of Beasts
- The Favoured of Chaos
- Filth-Encrusted Scales
- Flailing Appendages
- Forest Stalker (Beastmen)
- Ghostsight
- Giant Special Attacks
- The Hordes of Morghur
- Hurl Attack
- Insane Bloodlust
- Iron-hard Skin
- Jump Up and Down
- Lash Tail
- Man-sized Things Chart
- Mark of Khorne
- Mark of Nurgle
- Mark of Slaanesh
- Mark of Tzeentch
- Marks of Chaos
- Mutant Monstrosity
- Packmaster
- Petrifying Gaze
- Pick Up and...
- Primal Fury
- Redmaw
- Regenerative Snacking
- Rending Fangs
- Scion of the Dark Gods
- Sinisterly Skulking
- Slaughterer's Call
- Slythey Tongue
- Something Wicked This Way Comes
- The Sons of Ghorros
- Soul-eater
- Spawn of Khorne
- Spawn of Nurgle
- Spawn of Slaanesh (Beastmen)
- Spawn of Tzeentch
- Spirit-essence of Chaos
- Spurting Bile-blood
- Strength from Flesh
- Swallow Whole
- Swing with Club
- The Taint
- Thump with Club
- Thunderous Charge
- Troll Vomit
- Unholy Power
- Unholy Zenith
- Unruly
- Venom Tail
- Wave of Insanity
- Yell and Bawl
BretonniaURL Copied!
- Acrobatic
- Army General (Bretonnia)
- Aura of the Fey
- Aura of the Lady
- Bane of the Undead
- Beastslayer
- Blessed Sanctum
- Blessing of the Lady
- Blessings of Shallya
- Bloodrage
- Bombard
- Bowmen of Bergerac
- Defensive Stakes
- Favour of the Fay
- Field Trebuchet
- Fiery Zeal
- Grail Reliquae
- The Grail Vow
- Groffe and Griffe
- Guardian of the Sacred Sites
- Guardians of Sacred Sites
- Gui le Gros
- The Halo of Maidenly Wrath
- Healing Hands
- Hugo le Petit
- Hunting Party
- I Will Taunt You Viciously a Second Time
- Impale
- Impetuous
- The Knight's Vow
- The Lady’s Champion
- Lance Formation
- Marksman (Bretonnia)
- Marshal
- Once Trampled, Twice Shy
- The Parrying Shield
- The Peasant's Duty
- The Perilous Lance
- Purebred Warhorse
- The Questing Vow
- Reynard's Hawk
- Serrated Maw
- Shredding Talons
- Spirit of the Tempest
- Supreme Aura of the Lady
- Supreme Blessing of the Lady
- Swooping Strike (Bretonnia)
- Tempete
- Truffle Madness
- Valourous Ballads
- Virtue of Knightly Ardour
- The Virtue of the Lionheart
- Vows of Bretonnia
- Wall Wardens
- Warrior of the Sands
Chaos DwarfsURL Copied!
- Altar of Hashut
- Animosity (Chaos Dwarfs)
- Armed to da Teef
- Armoured Plating
- Backstabbers (Chaos Dwarfs)
- Big Things Chart (Siege Giant)
- Blazing Body
- Blessings of Hashut
- Bloodrage
- Brazen Wings
- Burning Bright
- Caged Fury
- Captain of the Immortals
- Contempt
- Cowardly Despoilers (Chaos Dwarfs)
- Crush (Kollossus)
- Daemon Crystal
- Daemonic (Chaos Dwarfs)
- Dark Colossus
- Dark Renown
- Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher Misfire
- Demolition
- Dirges of Hashut
- Doomfire
- 'Eadbutt
- Fall Over (Siege Giant)
- Fated... Lucky... Sneaky!
- Fear Elves
- Flail and Crush
- Flaming Breath
- Fuelled by Fire
- Furnace of Hashut
- Gore Blades
- Great Hammer
- Grind Attack (Iron Daemon)
- Hellish Frenzy
- High-Powered Engine
- Hobgoblin Overseer
- Ignore Goblin Panic
- Infernal Engineer
- Lavathrower
- Legbreaker!
- Lord of the Ba'hal
- Lumbering and Unstoppable
- Mace Tail
- Man-sized Things Chart (Siege Giant)
- Mark of Hashut
- Master Engineer
- Mechanical Body
- Mechanical Giant
- Overdrive
- Palanquin (Unit Strength)
- Petrified Sorcerer
- Prayers of Malice
- Razor Horns
- Relentless
- Resolute
- Ripping Blades
- Runes of Hate
- Sacrifices to Hashut
- Scaling Spikes
- Siege Giant Attacks
- Siege Tower
- Skullcracker
- Slave Tyrant
- Slipshod
- Slow Reload
- Smash with Pick
- Sneakin'
- Sorcerer's Curse
- Sorcerous Exhalation
- Sorcerous Miasma
- Spew Ichor
- Tenderizer
- Wall-Ripper
- Whirlwind (Chaos Dwarfs)
- Yell and Bawl
Cult of UlricURL Copied!
- Altar of Ulric
- Arabyan Warhorses
- Blessing of Ulric
- Bloodroar
- Commanding Presence
- Crush the Weak
- Favour of the Winter Wolf
- Full Plate Armour (Cult of Ulric)
- Fury of Ulric
- Hold the Line!
- Icy Blast of Ulric
- Iron-hard Hooves
- Lash Tail
- Master of Battle
- Militia
- Mortar Shells (Cult of Ulric)
- Prayers of Ulric
- Razorbeak
- Shrike Talons
- State Troops
- Strength in Faith, Faith in Strength
- Swift as the Wind
- Swooping Strike
- Swords of Ulric
Daemons of ChaosURL Copied!
- Acquiescence
- Attention Seeker
- Aura of Fury
- Aura of Slaanesh
- Baleful Torrent
- Barrage of Knowledge
- Beast Handler
- Bellow of Endless Fury
- Blubber and Bile
- Burning Blood
- The Butcher's Due
- Call of the Skull Throne
- Caught by the Iron Claw
- Cultivating the Garden of Nurgle
- Daemon of Khorne
- Daemon of Nurgle
- Daemon of Slaanesh (Daemons of Chaos)
- Daemon of Tzeentch (Daemons of Chaos)
- Daemonbone Claw
- Daemonic Alignment
- Daemonic Animosity
- Daemonic Aura
- Daemonic (Daemons of Chaos)
- Daemonic Instability
- Dark Halo
- The Dark Master
- Deadly Symbiosis
- Discordant Disruption
- The Eternal Dance
- Exalted Fire of Tzeentch
- Extreme Contagion
- Fleeting Dance of Death
- Formless Horror
- Gift of Power
- Gorefeast
- The Hand of Destiny
- Harmonic Alignment
- Harvester Cannon
- Hellfire
- Horrible Fascination
- In Death There is Life
- Infernal Iron
- Irresistible Challenge
- Jolly Gutpipes
- Joyous Battle Fury
- Keep Counting, I'm Watching You
- Lamprey's Bite
- Life Eater
- Lithe and Swift
- Locus of Abjuration
- Locus of Beguilement
- Locus of Change
- Locus of Conjuration
- Locus of Contagion
- Locus of Fecundity
- Locus of Fury
- Locus of Grace
- Locus of Swiftness
- Locus of Transmogrification
- Locus of Virulence
- Locus of Wrath
- Lord of Torment
- Mesmerising Lepidoptera
- Palanquin of Nurgle (Unit Strength)
- Phlegm Bombardment
- Prey of the Blood God
- Rage Embodied
- Regal Authority
- Relentless Hunter
- Sensual Barrage
- Shadow Form
- Skull Cannon
- Skulls for the Skull Throne!
- Slashing Attack
- Slime Trail
- Soporific Musk
- Soulscent
- Spell Syphon
- Split
- Streams of Brackish Filth
- Subvert
- Summon Daemons
- Swallow Energy
- The Tally of Pestilence
- Totem of Endless Bloodletting
- Totem of Endless Pleasure
- Undying Hate
- Versatile Instrument
- The Voice of Slaanesh
- Warp Gaze
- Willing Prey
Dark ElvesURL Copied!
- Absolute Power
- Abyssal Howl
- At Them, You Curs!
- Aura of Agony
- Avert Your Gaze!
- Beastlord
- Beastslaver
- Beloved of Khaine
- Black Guard
- Blood Rites
- Bloodrage (Manticore)
- Bloodshield of Khaine
- Bloodwrack Stare
- Cursed Coven
- Dance of Death
- Daring Leap
- Elven Grace
- Enchanting Beauty (Morathi)
- Eternal Hatred
- Feast of Bones
- Fiery Breath (War Hydra)
- The First Sorceress
- Fury of Khaine
- Gory Offering
- Hekarti's Blessing
- Impale
- Iron-hard Skin
- Khaine's Sacred Slaughterer
- Khainite
- Killing Stroke
- Loss of Heads (War Hydra)
- Master of Disguise
- Merciless Slaver
- Mixed Formation (Dark Elves)
- Murderous Prowess
- Not Just a Dumb Brute
- Noxious Breath
- Paragon of Slaughter
- Prey of the Dark Prince
- Queen of Khaine
- Rending Fangs
- The Right Hand of Darkness
- Show No Weakness
- Spit Fire
- Strength of Khaine
- Sustained Fury
- Thousand and One Dark Blessings
- The Trial of Blades
- Tz'arkan
- Venom Tail
- Wrath of the Melusai
Dogs of WarURL Copied!
- A Fistful of Crowns
- Ancestral Grudge
- Been There, Done That
- Berserkergang
- The Best Money Can Buy
- Big Things Chart
- Black Lotus
- Blessings of Lethe
- Bloodroar
- Bodyguard (Dogs of War)
- Crimson Shade
- Crossbow Hunter
- Difficult to Slay
- 'Eadbutt
- Elven Grace
- Fall Over
- Fights on Foot
- Genius
- Giant Special Attacks
- Grudgebringer Cavalry
- Hobgoblin Animosity
- Hot Pot (Dogs of War)
- Inseparable
- Invincible Swordsman
- Iron-hard Hooves
- Jump Up and Down
- Knife Fighter Extraordinaire
- Lucrezzia's Kiss
- Man-sized Things Chart
- Master of Siegecraft
- Mercenaries
- Mercenary Loyalty Table
- Mighty Athlete
- Money Lender
- Motley Crew
- Murderous Charge
- Mydas' Bodyguard
- Navigator’s Telescope
- Needle and Thread
- Net Fighters
- Ogre Charge
- Orc Animosity
- The Pay Cart
- The Paychest
- Paymaster
- Paymaster (Mydas the Mean)
- Pick Up and...
- Poisonous Items
- Quell Animosity (Ghazak Khan)
- Racial Distrust
- Razorbeak
- The Red Thirst
- Relentless
- Resolute
- Ribault
- Scientific Items
- Scorpion
- Sheikh Yadosh the Money Lender
- Short and Nimble
- Shrike Talons
- Stunning Beauty
- Swift as the Wind
- Swing with Club
- Thump with Club
- Vampire Hunter
- Vampiric
- War Cry of the Steppes
- Yell and Bawl
DwarfsURL Copied!
- Ancestral Grudge
- Anvil of Doom
- Artillery Master
- Beer Casks
- Beer Gut
- The Best Defence (Dwarfs)
- Boiler Incident Table
- Bombing Run (Dwarfs)
- Brotherhood of Grimnir
- Bugman's Rangers
- Burlok's Ingenious Offensive New-matic Integrated Constrictor Arm
- Counter-Charge (Khargrim)
- Daemon Slayer
- Deathblow
- Disaster! (Thunderbarge)
- Disguised (Grombrindal)
- Dive Bomb
- Dragon Slayer
- Dwarf-crafted
- Entrenchment
- Fireforge
- Firethrower
- Grinding Attack
- Grombrindal has no Fear!
- Gromril Armour
- Grudgebreaker Incident Table
- Grudgebuster Bomb Misfire Chart
- High King
- King's Guard
- Kraggi, Assistant at the Forge
- Liquid Fortification
- Locus of Power (Dwarfs)
- Lord of the Hold
- Lord of the Tunnels
- Lumbering
- Master of Accuracy
- Master of Ancient Lore
- Natural Resistance
- Oath Stones
- Old Grumblers
- Organ Fire
- Over-pressured Boiler
- Relentless
- Resolute
- Revenge Incarnate
- Rune Lore
- Rune of Cleaving (Rune Guardian)
- Rune of Fury (Rune Guardian)
- Rune of Stone (Rune Guardian)
- Rune of Striking (Rune Guardian)
- Rune of Warding (Rune Guardian)
- Sheet of Fire
- Shieldbearers
- Shieldwall (Dwarfs)
- Slayer
- Slayer King
- "Stand Back Sir!"
- Steam-pressured Engine
- Stout Courage
- Strike the Runes
- The Throne of Power
- Thunderbarge Cannon
- Traditional Army
- Underground Advance
- Underground Mishap Table
- Unhinged
- The War-mourner
- Weapon Team
- Whirlwind of Death
The EmpireURL Copied!
- Accusation
- Against The Odds
- Al-kahest
- Aldebrand's Hawk
- Althandin
- Ancestral Grudge
- Arabyan Warhorses
- Aura of Protection
- Awesome Presence
- Battle Prayers
- Black Powder Discipline
- Blessed
- Blessing of the Sea God
- Blinding Light (The Empire)
- Bloodroar
- Bodyguard (Knights of the Black Rose)
- Chosen of Sigmar (Luthor Huss)
- Chosen of Sigmar (Valten)
- Coruscating Blast
- Courage of the Believer
- Crush the Weak
- Cursed
- Darkwalker
- Destroying the Land Ship
- Disloyal Reputation
- Disorderly
- Divine Power
- The Emperor's Bodyguard
- The Emperor's Chosen
- The Emperor's Herald
- The End is Nigh!
- Exemplars of Sigmar
- Faith in Sigmar
- Faith in Sigmar (Brother Valdemar)
- Fear and Loathing
- Fiery Demagogue
- Fire Lord
- Fractious
- Grand Theogonist
- Grim Resolve
- Grind Attack (Marienberg Land Ship)
- The Hand of Judgement
- Hates Evil Magic
- High Matriarch
- Hold the Line!
- Holy Fervour
- Humility
- Iron-hard Hooves
- Iron Resolve
- Knights of the Inner Circle
- The Land Ship Calamity Chart
- Leader of Men
- Locus of Power (The Empire)
- The Mad Count
- Master of Ballistics
- Master of Battle
- Mentally Unbalanced
- Militia
- Mixed Weaponry
- Monster Hunter
- Mortar Shells
- The Nuln Ironsides
- Ogre Charge
- Pariahs
- Portents of Battle
- Power of Sigmar
- The Power of Sigmar
- Prideful
- Razorbeak
- Reckless (The Empire)
- Relentless
- Resolute (Knights of the Golden Lion)
- Resolute (The Empire)
- Righteous Fury
- Shoddy Equipment
- Short and Nimble
- Shrike Talons
- Sigmar's Handmaiden
- Solheim's Bolt of Illumination
- Stable Platform
- "Stand Back Sir!"
- State Troops
- Steam Boiler Mishap Table
- Steam Engine
- Steam Points
- Steel Behemoth
- Storm of Shemtek
- Strength of the Bear
- Swift as the Wind
- Tools of Judgement
- Two Heads
- Two-sword Technique
- Vampire Slayers
- Well Drilled
- The Wonder of the Age
- Wulfhart's Hunters
- Zealous
EstaliaURL Copied!
- Altar of Myrmidia
- Battle Prayers (Estalia)
- Beloved Captain
- Blessing of Myrmidia
- Blinding Light (Estalia)
- Bloodroar
- Bull Run
- Burn the Heretic!
- Caracole
- Champion of Estalia
- Close Formation
- Conquistador Commander
- Divine Power
- Duelling Techniques
- Face Me, You Coward!
- Fire & Advance
- Grand Master
- Guerrilla Fighters
- Insane
- Iron-hard Hooves
- Lash Tail
- Living Saint
- Lombard
- Mark of Death
- Razorbeak
- Restricted Practise
- Righteous Charge
- Shrike Talons
- Stoic
- Swift as the Wind
- Swooping Strike
- Tactical Supremacy
- Tercio Formation
Grand CathayURL Copied!
- Beloved General
- Bombing Run (Grand Cathay)
- Captain of the Celestial Dragon Guard
- Celestial Comet
- Celestial Lightning
- Close Support
- Disdain of the Dragons
- Duellist
- Emberstorm
- The Emperor's Executioner
- Eye of the Storm
- Eyes of the Empress
- Fire Breath
- Flamethrower
- Flaming Ammunition
- Grand Astromancer
- Grand General
- Grand Strategist
- Grandmaster
- Hardened Scale
- Harmony
- Icon of the Great Cities
- Impale (Grand Cathay)
- Jade Lion
- Jet Lion
- Martial Arts Fighting Styles
- Master of Alchemy
- Mastery of the Elemental Winds
- Nexus of Elemental Winds
- Plumage of Flames
- Rocket Salvo
- Supreme Martial Arts Fighting Styles
- Tactician
- Transformation of the Dragon
- Trickster
- War Drum
- Warding Iron
- Will of the Dragons
- Wrath of the Storm
HalflingsURL Copied!
- Animal Traps
- Deft Hands
- Duck & Weave
- Field Provisions
- Fireroot Pepper
- Fireworks
- Forest Spirit (Halflings)
- Herbs
- Homesteaders
- Hot Pot (Halfings)
- Irresistible Aroma
- Light-fingered
- Mesh Net
- Natural Resistance
- Nearly Irresistible Force
- Pacifist
- Piggyback Riders
- Quick Draw
- Snatch and Grab
- The Soup Cannon
- Special Spices
- Trinkets
High ElvesURL Copied!
- Attuned to Magic
- Battle Trance
- Blessings of Asuryan
- Blizzard Aura
- Boon of Isha
- Chaos Bane
- Chariot of Kings
- Curse of Aenarion
- The Dark Within
- Defender of Ulthuan
- Doom-saga
- Dragon Kin
- Elven Grace
- Favour of Destiny
- Feint
- Fiery Breath
- Glamour of Hoeth
- Glory of the Elves
- Great Leap
- Handmaidens
- Impale
- Impenetrable Defence
- Lileath's Blessing
- Lord of Hoeth
- Loyal Bond
- Mark of Asuryan
- Martial Prowess
- Master of the Mists
- Master Tactician
- Melancholic Distractions
- Naval Discipline
- Phoenix King
- Phoenix Reborn
- Powerful Tail
- Reckless (High Elves)
- Riposte
- Shadowfast
- Sharpclaw
- Shredding Talons
- Swiftsense
- Swooping Strike
- Swordmaster
- Touch of the Everqueen
- Valour of Ages
- Wake of Fire
- Warrior-Mage
- Windrider
HobgoblinsURL Copied!
- Backstabbers (Hobgoblins)
- Big Things Chart
- Clawed Mandibles
- Cowardly Despoilers (Hobgoblins)
- Death From Below
- Ded Shooty (Hobgoblins)
- Dey Ain't Righ' in da 'Ead
- Dirty, Rotten, Sneaky
- 'Eadbutt
- Fall Over
- Giant Special Attacks
- The Great Khan
- Great Shaman of the Steppes
- Gust Charge
- Hobgoblin Leader
- Hooked Spines
- Jump Up and Down
- Khan's Guard
- Kheshig Commander
- Man-sized Things Chart
- Pick Up and...
- Poisonous Blood
- Preying on the Weak
- Quell Treachery
- Rapid Fire
- Scavenger
- Slime Spray
- Slipshod
- Swing with Club
- Thump with Club
- Treacherous Gits (Hobgoblins)
- Tunneller (Hobgoblins)
- War Cry of the Steppes
- The Wolfboyz
- Yell and Bawl
Kingdoms of IndURL Copied!
KislevURL Copied!
- Battle Prayers (Kislev)
- Beloved of Kislev
- Bitter Hatred
- Blaze of Devotion
- By Our Blood
- Captain of the Gryphon Legion
- Chicken-Legged Hut
- The Courage of Sacrifice
- The Dancing Blade
- Divine Power
- Drunken Stupor
- Elemental Breath
- Flying Mortar & Pestle
- Fury of Ursun
- Glorious Charge
- Hag
- Heart Strike
- Hugely Resilient
- Lucky
- Mark of the Bear God
- Mobile Fortress
- Not A Step Back
- Pathfinder
- Protectors of the Khan-queen
- The Red Thirst
- Steady in the Ranks
- Strength of the Great Bear
- Trappers (Kislev)
- Tyrant
- Ursun's Ward
- Vampiric
LizardmenURL Copied!
- Arcane Vassal
- Army of Kroq-Gar
- Attuned to the Beast
- Bestial Roar
- The Blazing Configuration of Chotec
- Blessed Mark of the Old Ones (Nakai)
- Blood-Curdling Roar
- Blood Frenzy
- Bloodroar
- Chameleon
- Cold-blooded
- Cold-Blooded Determination
- Drop Rocks
- Engine of the Gods
- Eternity Guardians
- Eternity Warden
- First Generation Spawning
- The Golden Shroud of Tlazcotl
- Guardian of the Sacred Places
- Guardians
- Herald of Cosmic Events
- Impervious Defence
- Instinctive Defence
- Jungle Spirit
- Loping Stride
- Mage-lord of Hexoatl
- Mage-Priest Palanquin
- Magical Storm
- Massive Jaws
- Master of Skies
- Master of Snakes
- Master Predator
- Mount of Itzl
- Oracle of Lord Kroak
- The Palanquin of Constellations
- Predatory Fighter
- Primeval Roar
- Prophet of Sotek
- Quetzl's Flawless Heartstone
- Resilient (Lizardment)
- Revivification Crystal
- Sacred Duty
- Sacred Spawning of Xhotl
- The Shadow Rebus of Huanchi
- Sharpened Horns
- Shoot Barbs
- Solar Engine
- Spawn-kin
- The Spirit of Lord Kroak
- Spit Venom
- Spout Flame
- Telepathic Confabulation
- Tepok's Crystalline Eye
- Thunderous Bludgeon
- Tide of Serpents
- Toad Rage
- Ultimate Bodyguard
- Unstoppable Stampede
NipponURL Copied!
- Blessings of the Kami
- Brilliant Tactician
- Daemon King
- Daimyo of the Dawate Clan
- Daimyo of the Odari Clan
- Daimyo of the Takai Clan
- Daimyo of the Uesigo Clan
- Death Before Dishonour
- Dishonourable
- Divine Power (Nippon)
- Empress of Nippon
- Great Guard
- Holy Relic
- Iaijutsu
- Impale Attack
- Kabuki Dance
- Legendary Geisha
- Martial Arts
- Onna Bushi Commander
- Path of the Blade
- Poison Breath
- Prayers of the Kami
- Reckless Abandon
- The Red Devils
- Shadow Magic
- Shogun
- Stalwart Defence
- Supreme Shugenja
- Sworn Bodyguard (Nippon)
- Uncouth Challenger
- Vigour Rhythms
- Wanderer
- Way of the Bow
- Way of the Warrior
NorscaURL Copied!
- Beastmaster (Norsca)
- Bellow
- Big Things Chart (Mammoth)
- Bitter Cruelty
- Blood Rage
- Butt
- Counter-Charge
- Deep Bond
- Defiant
- Fearless
- Frost Breath
- Gibberer
- Gore
- Hammer Hand
- Hymns of Malice
- Ice Breath (Norsca)
- Invocation of Thunder
- King of the Wolfkin
- Knitting Flesh
- Loner (The Ravenswyrd)
- Mammoth Attacks
- Man Scyther
- Man-sized Things Chart (Mammoth)
- Messenger of the Gods
- Pick Up and... (Mammoth)
- Raging Beast
- The Ravens
- Rune Caller
- Rune-etched Tongue
- Scaled Horror
- Scaly Hide
- Shield Bash
- Shield Parry
- Shieldwall (Norsca)
- Skald
- Snarling Fangs
- Steel-hard Claws
- Stomp (Mammoth)
- Tormented Mind
- Trample
- Two-headed
- Warhird of Skeggi
Ogre KingdomsURL Copied!
- Aura of Frost
- Avatar of the Fire Mouth
- Been There, Done That
- Bellow
- Bellowers
- Beneath Contempt
- Bicker
- Big Things Chart (Mammoth)
- Big Things Chart (Slavegiant)
- Blessing of the Great Maw
- Butt
- Down to the Ironguts
- 'Eadbutt
- Earth-shattering Charge
- Easy Come, Easy Go
- Everyone Has Their Price
- Fire Breath
- The First Butcher
- Flail with Chain
- Giant Special Attacks (Slavegiant)
- The Goldtooth Tribe
- Golgfag's Maneaters
- Gore
- Great Mawpot
- Hoardmaster
- Hunger of the Great Maw
- Hunt-father
- Ice Breath (Ogre Kingdoms)
- Iron Rhinox
- The Ironskin Tribe
- Jump Up and Down
- The Lazarghs
- Loner (Ogre Kingdoms)
- Mammoth Attacks
- Man-sized Things Chart (Mammoth)
- Man-sized Things Chart (Slavegiant)
- Massive Grapeshot
- Motley Crew
- Numbing Chill
- Ogre Charge
- Pick Up and...
- Pick Up and... (Mammoth)
- Rimespeaker's Call
- Running with the Pack
- Scale Terrain
- Slavelord
- Slipshod (Skewerslinger)
- Smooth Ride
- Sphere of Frost-wreathed Ice
- Stomp (Mammoth)
- Stone Skeleton
- Their Master's Voice
- Throttle with Chain
- Trample
- Trappers (Ogre Kingdoms)
- Volley of Cannonballs
- Yell and Bawl
Orcs & GoblinsURL Copied!
- Animosity (Orcs & Goblins)
- Animosity Table
- Armed to da Teef
- Big Things Chart
- Big 'Uns
- Catchweb Spidershrine
- Completely Out of Control
- Copious Troll Vomit
- Creeping Assault
- Crush with Stump
- Da Big Un
- Da Boss 'as a Plan!
- Da Great Leader
- Da Howlerz
- Da Immortulz
- Deff Creepers
- Dinner's Dinner!
- Do as I say and wot I do
- Doom Diver Catapult
- Duff Up da Big Thing
- 'Eadbutt
- Eats Elves for Breakfast
- Executioner's Strike
- Explodin' Spores
- The Facebeater
- Fall Over
- Falls Apart
- Fear Elves
- Flappas
- Force of Destruction
- Force of Total Destruction
- Frenzy of Violence
- Get on Wiv it!
- Giant Explodin' Spores
- Giant Special Attacks
- Gobbla
- Goblin General
- Goblin Jester
- Gone Crazy!
- Greenskin Races
- Grind its Bones
- Grom's Chariot
- Grom's Waaagh!
- He's da Boss
- Hide in Units
- Hunting Team
- Jump Up and Down
- Keep Your Enemies Closer
- Ker-splat!
- Loners
- Magic Mushrooms
- Man-sized Things Chart
- Mither
- The Moon King's Entreaty
- Mooncap Mushrooms
- Mork's Favourite
- Mother
- Natural Leader
- Niblet
- Orc Bully
- Orcs are da Best
- Out of Control
- Out-rigga
- Pick Up and...
- Pick Up and... (Troll Hag)
- Pump Harder Ladz!
- Quell Animosity
- Really Hates Dwarfs
- Release the Fanatics!
- River Trolls
- Size Matters
- Slimy Shanks
- Slipshod
- Smother
- Sneaky Schemes
- Snufflesquig
- Spider Venom
- Spiky Roller
- Splat!
- Squig Gobba
- Squigs Go Wild
- Sting of Snagla
- Stinky Pelt
- Stone Trolls
- Suck Out its Marrow
- Surprise!
- Swamp Breath
- Swing with Club
- Thump with Club
- Thwackwheezer Puffshrooms
- Tied Down
- Too Pumped Up
- Tricksy Traps
- Troll Hag Special Attacks
- Troll Vomit
- Tusker Charge
- Ulda the Great Wolf
- Venom Surge
- Voice of Gork
- Waaagh!
- Waaagh! Miscast
- Wall-crawler
- Warpaint
- Warpaint of Wurrzag
- Watch Out!
- Water Wise
- Yell and Bawl
Pirates of SartosaURL Copied!
- Almost Loyal
- Ancestral Grudge
- Anchor Smash
- Any man who falls behind is left behind
- Blessed of Manann
- Blood Rage
- Bloodlust
- Booming Voice
- Bosun
- Cannon Tower
- Captain of the Heldenhammer
- Chain Shot
- Combustible Breath
- Cumbersome
- Dirty Fighting
- Dreading Presence
- Dwarf Rum (Pirates of Sartosa)
- Festooned with Pistols
- Field Surgeon
- Fiery Breath
- Giant Parrot
- Hard Stuff
- Heat Shot
- Lizzy, the Salamander
- Look-out
- Loss of Heads (Turtigon)
- Maiden's Chant
- Massive Beak
- Master Gunner (Pirates of Sartosa)
- Masters and Idlers
- Naval Bombardment
- Navigator
- One Bullet, One Shot
- Orc Animosity
- Pirate Princess
- Pistolier Extraordinaire
- Princess of Parries
- Protective
- Quartermaster
- Relentless
- Sea Legs
- Sea Shanty Singers
- Spearfisher's Net
- Strange and Confused
- The Surgeon's Mate
- Swashbucklers
- Swivel Guns
- Tail Whip
- Unreliable
- Will of Steel
Regiments of RenownURL Copied!
- Accusation
- Ancestral Grudge
- Animosity (Regiments of Renown)
- Battle Prayers
- Blessed by the Old Ones
- Cloak & Dagger
- Cold-blooded
- Ded Shooty (Regiments of Renown)
- Deployment (Regiments of Renown)
- Dirty Fighter
- Divine Power
- Dragon Tamer
- Dwarf Rum (Regiments of Renown)
- Elven Grace
- Engineer
- Fiery Breath
- Flayers
- For Hire
- Galloper Gun
- Giants of Albion
- Goblin-hewer
- Gotrek
- Gotrek's Doom
- Hard to Kill
- Ignore Greenskin Panic
- Independent
- Independent Models
- "Join us in damnation..."
- Maggot
- Marksman (Regiments of Renown)
- Martial Prowess
- Master Gunner (Regiments of Renown)
- Mercenaries
- Mercenary Loyalty Table
- Mixed Formation (Regiments of Renown)
- Murderous Prowess
- Ogre Charge
- Racial Distrust
- Rapid Movement
- Regiments of Renown
- Relentless
- Shoot on the Wing
- Short and Nimble
- Slayer
- Superior Design
- Treacherous Gits (Regiments of Renown)
- Treachery
- Undead (Regiments of Renown)
- Valour of Ages
- Witch Hunter Weapons
- Zealotry (Regiments of Renown)
SkavenURL Copied!
- Above the Masses
- Altar of the Horned Rat
- Arcing Death
- Armoured
- Attached Unit
- Attack-attack!
- Aura of Pestilence
- Beastmaster (Skaven)
- The Best Defence (Skaven)
- Billowing Death
- Blessing of the Horned Rat
- Bloated Mutants
- Bodyguard of Thanquol
- Brain Transplant
- Brain Transplant (Ghoritch)
- Clan Enmity
- Cornered Rats
- Daemonic (Skaven)
- Deploying via Tunnel
- Double the Death
- Exceptional Pack
- Extra Extremities
- Foul Ichor
- Gas Masks
- The Grim Ague
- Grind Attack
- Hot Warplead
- Lash Tail
- Leprous Form
- Life is Cheap
- Loss of Control
- Master Controller
- Master of Lightning
- Master of Ruin
- No Pain
- The Passion of the Putrid
- Pestilent Breath
- Plague Wind
- Plagueclaw Catapult
- Plaguemaster
- Poisoned Wind
- Pox Feeders
- Pox Feeders
- Quadrupedal
- Rat Hound Bodyguard
- Ravening Hunger
- The Red Guard
- Resilient (Skaven)
- Ringing the Bell
- Rodent Genius
- Ruinous Arsenal
- Rusted Armour
- Scion of Corruption
- Scurry Away!
- Sensei
- Shadowstrider
- Shambling Horror
- Shrouded in Darkness
- Skittering
- Skryre Claws
- Special Close Combat Attacks (Hell Pit Abomination)
- Spined Tail
- Spinetail (Magic Items)
- Stay Here, I'll Get Help!
- Strength in Numbers
- Tail Weapon
- Too Horrible to Die
- Tretch's Raiders
- Trollblooded
- Trophy Heads
- Tunneller (Skaven)
- Unstable Ammunition
- Verminous Fury
- Verminous Valour
- Warp Fleas
- Warp-fumes
- Warp-strike
- Warpstone Addiction
- Warpstone Mutants
- Warpstone Shard Teeth
- Warpstone Spikes
- Warpstone Tokens
- Whirling Death
- Wild Misfire
- Wildfire
- Wildly Off-target
- Wrecker Attack
- The Yellow Death
- Zzzzap!
Tomb KingsURL Copied!
- Aspect of Asaph, Goddess of Magic and Vengeance
- Aspect of Djaf, God of Death
- Aspect of Geheb, God of Earth and Giver of Strength
- Aspect of Phakth, God of the Sky and Bringer of Justice
- Aspect of Sobk, God of Water and War
- Blessing of Asaph
- Chariot of the Gods
- Covenant of Power
- The Curse
- The Curse of Settra
- Curse of the Fallen
- Decapitating Strike
- Desert Revenant
- Entombed Beneath the Sands
- Envenomed Sting
- Feast of Souls
- Fiery Roar
- Frantic Fervour
- Grand Hierophant of Khemri
- Herald of Despair
- Hieroglyphs of Protection
- The Hierophant
- Hunter of the Evil and Wicked
- Icon of Ptra
- Khemric Titan Special Attacks
- Khepra Beetles
- King Phar the Proud
- Light of Death
- The Light of Ptra
- Master Artisan
- Master Stone Shaper
- My Will Be Done
- Necromantic Reservoir
- Resurrecting Fallen Warriors
- Scales of Usirian
- Scarab Prince
- Screaming Skulls
- Scythan Warriors
- Settra the Great
- Settra's Champion
- Shrine of Eternities
- Skulls of the Foe
- Soul Reaper
- Spirit Conduit
- The Stone Host of Quatar
- Stone Shaper
- Sworn Bodyguard (Tomb Kings)
- Thundercrush Attack
- Tomb Blades
- Tomb Kings Battle Standard Bearer
- Transmogrifying Gaze
- Undead (Tomb Kings)
- Unleashed Souls
- Unstoppable Assault
- Wards of the Gods
- Wrath of the Creator
Vampire CountsURL Copied!
- Awaken from the Grave
- Balefire
- Battle of Wills
- The Beast
- Behemoth's Bane
- Beloved in Death
- Bestial Fury
- Blasphemous Tome
- Breath of Shyish
- The Brothers Ghorst
- Call to the Hunt
- Carnophage
- Champion of the Dead
- Chill Grasp
- Cloud of Horror
- Corpse Killers
- The Court of the Lost
- Dark Soul
- Death Shriek
- Doom Lord
- Evocation of Death
- First of the Vyrkos
- Fist of Abhorash
- The Generals of Undeath
- Ghostly Howl
- Grand Master of the Blood Knights
- Haunter of the Dark
- Heavenly Creature
- If I Cannot Rule, None Shall Rule!
- Infested
- Lifting the Veil
- Martial Honour
- Master of the Dead
- Mortarch of Grief
- Mustering Howl
- Nauseating Aroma
- Necrofex Colossus Special Attacks (Vampire Counts)
- The Newly Dead
- No Rest for the Wicked
- One Bat Short of a Belfry
- Pack Alpha
- Pestilential Breath
- Poisonous Tail
- Queen of Lahmia
- Rancid Maw
- The Red Thirst
- The Reliquary
- Resurrecting Fallen Warriors
- Scrying Pool
- Scurrying Retreat
- Scythes and Barbs
- Shrieking Swarm
- Slavering Charge
- Soul Reapers
- Soulstriders
- Spectral Steeds
- Suffer No Rival
- Supernatural Reflexes
- Swarm of Flies
- Sword-claws
- Undead
- Unholy Lodestone
- Vampire Blood
- Vampiric
- Vigour Mortis
- Vortex of Death
Warriors of ChaosURL Copied!
- Acid Ichor
- At Home on Land or Sea
- Aura of Mutation
- Bane of the Dead
- Beast of Khorne
- Beast of Nurgle
- Beast of Slaanesh
- Beast of Tzeentch
- Bellow
- Big Things Chart (Mammoth)
- Bilespurter
- Blade of the First Prince
- Bloodborn
- Bloodfuelled Prayers
- Bloodrage (Manticore)
- Bountiful Blades
- Breath of Change
- The Breath of Life
- Butt
- Caged Fury
- Chaos Armour
- Chaos Sorcerer (Magic)
- Chosen of the Dark Gods
- Chosen of the Gods
- Colossal Beast
- Consort of the Blood God
- Copious Vomit
- Corrupted Flesh
- Coven of Tzeentch
- Cunning of Tzeentch
- Daemon Flies
- Daemon of Khorne
- Daemon of Nurgle
- Daemon of Slaanesh (Warriors of Chaos)
- Daemon of Tzeentch (Warriors of Chaos)
- Daemonic (Warriors of Chaos)
- Dances of Slaanesh
- Dark Experiments
- Dark Fire of Chaos
- Doomfire
- Ethrac Glott
- Extra Claws
- Eye of the Gods
- Eye of the Gods Table
- Favour of the Ruinous Powers
- Favoured of Khorne
- Favoured Son
- Feast of the Maggot Lord
- Fettered Servitude
- Fiend Tail
- Flailing Tentacles
- Flaming Breath
- Fog of Temptation
- Forsaken of Khorne
- Forsaken of Nurgle
- Forsaken of Slaanesh
- Forsaken of Tzeentch
- Freakish Mutations
- Fuelled by Death
- Fumes of Contagion
- The Gaze of Khorne
- Ghurk Glott
- Giant of Khorne
- Giant of Nurgle
- Giant of Slaanesh
- Giant of Tzeentch
- Gift of Tongues
- Giver of Glory
- Gore
- Gorge on Excess
- The Grand Gourmand
- Grizzlemaw
- Harbinger of Pestilence
- Healing Elixirs
- The Hound of Khorne
- Human Chains
- Hunter of Champions
- Immense Pride
- Impetuous (Baron Ungorr the Merciless)
- Inner Rage
- Iron-hard Skin
- The King of Ashes
- Living Damnation
- Lord of Nurglings
- Lord of the End Times
- Lord of the Goretide
- Lord of the Monstrous Horde
- Lord of the Storm
- Lords of Nurgle
- Mammoth Attacks
- Man-sized Things Chart (Chaos War Mammoth)
- Mark of Khorne
- Mark of Khorne (Skin Wolf)
- Mark of Nurgle
- Mark of Nurgle (Skin Wolf)
- Mark of Slaanesh
- Mark of Slaanesh (Skin Wolf)
- Mark of Tzeentch
- Mark of Tzeentch (Skin Wolf)
- Marks of Chaos
- Master of Chaos Undivided
- Master of Fate
- Mortal Bane
- Mutant Regeneration
- Mutant Sight
- Network of Spies
- Noisome Stench
- Nurgle's Favoured Son
- Ogre Charge
- Otto Glott
- Palanquin of Nurgle (Unit Strength)
- Pestilent Torrent
- Pick Up and... (Mammoth)
- Plague Knights
- Power of Mind
- Regenerating Flesh
- Rending Fangs
- Runes of Binding
- Scorn for Sorcery
- Scorn of Sorcery
- Seafang
- Shadow-kin
- Soul Hunters
- Spawn of Khorne
- Spawn of Nurgle
- Spawn of Slaanesh (Warriors of Chaos)
- Spawn of Tzeentch
- Spew Ichor
- Spirit of Galrauch
- Stomp (Mammoth)
- Supreme Vanity
- The Swords of Chaos
- Tongue Lash
- Trample (Warriors of Chaos)
- Triple-Headed Monstrosity
- Tripletongue
- Triumvirate of Blood
- Troll Vomit
- Unbound
- Unspeakable Foulness
- Venom Tail
- Venomous Ooze
- The Way of the Warrior
- Whippermaw
- White-hot Balefire
- Will of Chaos
- Wind of Pestilence
- Wings of Fury
- Wrath of Khorne
Wood ElvesURL Copied!
- Ambush from the Worldroots
- Ambush Master
- Animal Form
- Asrai Archery
- Aura of the Fey Queen
- Beastmaster (Wood Elves)
- Blessings of the Ancients
- Boldest of the Bold
- Call to Battle
- Choose Opponent
- Conjoined Destiny
- Dance of Doom
- Deadly Infestation
- Deepwood Coven
- Earthbind
- Elven Grace
- Eternal Rage
- Falcons
- Fanatical Resolve
- Forest Spirit (Wood Elves)
- Forest Stalker (Wood Elves)
- Guardians of the Wildwood
- Hunter’s Mount
- Impale
- Impetuous (Ceithin-Har)
- Larval Shafts
- Lethal Shot
- Martial Memories
- Mercurial Aspect
- Orion's Equerries
- Othu the Owl
- Roused to Wrath
- Screech
- Shadow Dances of Loec
- Shredding Talons
- Sisters of Twilight
- Skaryn the Eye Thief
- Song of Athel Loren
- Soporific Breath
- Spirit-walk
- Strangleroots
- Swiftsense
- Talismanic Tattoos
- Tanglethorn Thicket
- Traps
- Tree Aspects
- Tree Whack
- Unbridled Malice
- Unburden of Thieflings
- The Wild Hunt
- Writhing Vines
- Zephyrspites
Zombie Pirates of the Vampire CoastURL Copied!
- Cannon Arm
- Cumbersome
- Damned Crew
- Gaseous Demise
- The Generals of Undeath
- Gunnery Mob
- Magical Void
- Mortar Shells
- Necrofex Colossus Special Attacks (Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast)
- Poison Breath
- The Red Thirst
- Resurrecting Fallen Warriors
- Song of Enthrallment
- Split Personality
- Syreen's Call
- Unbearable Stench
- Undead
- Vampiric
- Verminous Crew
- Vortex of Death
- Zombie Pirate