When firing a war machine's weapon, ranges are measured from the muzzle of the gun (in the case of a cannon, volley gun or similar) or the crossbar (in the case of a stone thrower or similar catapult). If your war machine is particularly unusual and does not have any of these features, you should choose a suitable point from which you will measure all your shooting attacks, so long as you are consistent.
Line of sight is always taken from the chosen firing point (i.e. its muzzle or crossbar, in the same way as for its range). Unlike other lone models, pivoting the war machine during the Movement phase counts as moving for war machines, and thus they cannot fire in turns they do so. Before you fire the war machine, pivot it to face your chosen target in the Shooting phase so the war machine faces it directly in a straight line – note that the target must be within the war machine's forward arc as normal.
For war machine weapons that require Ballistic Skill, use the highest Ballistic Skill amongst the crew to resolve the shot. Unless specified, War Machines do not suffer To Hit penalties for Moving and Shooting or firing Multiple Shots.