Source: Warhammer Armies Project

Inspiring Presence (*)
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A model with Inspiring Presence allows all friendly units within a distance equal to the number in the brackets to use their Leadership instead of their own, unless specified (such as having to use their unmodified Leadership). This rule cannot be used if the model with Inspiring Presence is also fleeing.

This rule is cumulative with other sources of Inspiring Presence. If the model has a Line of Sight value of 4 or more, then the range of their Inspiring Presence rule is increased by 6.

If a unit taking a Leadership test has a modifier to its Leadership, this modifier still applies if the unit uses the Inspiring Presence.

If a unit is Steadfast, it may use the Leadership of the model for Break tests if it is higher than their own Leadership after applying all negative modifiers from combat resolution. Otherwise, they will use their own Leadership.

Example: a Steadfast unit with Leadership 7 has lost the combat by 1 but is within the Inspiring Presence range of the Army General who has Leadership 9. In this case, the unit can use the Army General's Leadership value and will test on Leadership 8. However, if they instead had lost the combat by 3, the unit will test on their own Leadership of 7, as this would be higher than using the Army General's Leadership value of 6 after combat resolution modifiers.

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