Source: Warhammer Armies Project

The Turn Sequence
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On a player’s turn, that player can move and act with all their units. Then the opponent takes their turn. This process is then repeated, back and forth, until the game is done. For convenience and flow of game play, we divide a player's turn into four main phases:

  1. Movement

  2. Magic

  3. Shooting

  4. Close Combat

In a complete game turn, both players get a player turn, each divided into the Movement, Magic, Shooting and Close Combat phases, as shown above. One game turn will therefore comprise two player turns, each with its own Movement, Magic, Shooting and Close Combat phases. Whenever a rule refers to a 'turn', whether in this book, a Warhammer Armies book or an expansion, it means 'player turn', otherwise it will specifically state 'game turn'.

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