The index is currently displaying version 2.2. The index will be updated to version 2.3 at a future date.
Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)
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Army Index
- Albion
- Amazons
- Araby
- Beastmen
- Bretonnia
- Chaos Dwarfs
- Cult of Ulric
- Daemons of Chaos
- Dark Elves
- Dogs of War
- Dwarfs
- The Empire
- Estalia
- Grand Cathay
- Halflings
- High Elves
- Hobgoblins
- Kingdoms of Ind
- Kislev
- Lizardmen
- Nippon
- Norsca
- Ogre Kingdoms
- Orcs & Goblins
- Pirates of Sartosa
- Regiments of Renown
- Skaven
- Tomb Kings
- Vampire Counts
- Warriors of Chaos
- Wood Elves
- Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast
- Magic Items
Unit Index
- Abdul Alhazred
- Abyssal Terror
- Acolytes of Hashut
- Adrian Hoven
- Aekold Helbrass
- Aenur
- Aethis the Wanderer
- Agum the Watcher
- Akashi Sho
- Al Muktar's Desert Dogs
- Alarielle the Radiant
- Alberic of Bordeleaux
- The Alcatani Fellowship
- Alchemist
- Aldebrand Ludenhof
- Alith Anar
- Almaslar
- Almogavars
- Alonso Diaz de Mirajo
- Alrik Ranulfsson
- Altar of Hashut
- Altar of Myrmidia
- Alters
- Althran Stormrider
- Amanhotep the Intolerable
- Amanthas
- Amaxon Swamp Python
- Ammut
- Amon 'Chakai
- Anakonda's Amazons
- Ancient Sentinels
- Animated Hulk
- Anointed of Asuryan
- Anvil of Doom
- Aonbarr Horse Warriors
- Arabyan Steed
- Arachnarok Spider
- Araloth
- Aranessa Saltspite
- Arbaal the Undefeated
- Arcane Battle Altar
- Arch Lector
- Arch Mage
- Arch-Revenant
- Archaon Everchosen
- Archers
- Archers (High Elves)
- Archers (Hobgoblins)
- Archers (Kingdoms of Ind)
- Ariel
- Arkhan the Black
- Armand d'Aquitaine
- Arquebusiers
- Asarnil the Dragonlord
- Ashigaru Bowman
- Ashigaru Spearman
- Assassin
- Assassin (Skaven)
- Astragoth Ironhand
- Astromancer
- Ataman
- Atarus
- Aurochs
- Avatar of Brahambhu
- Avatar of Khaine
- Avatar of Rigg
- Avatar of Shidra
- Avatar of Vishyana
- Azazel
- Azhag the Slaughterer
- Azura
- Baba Yaga
- Badruk 'Eadsplitta
- Ballista (Bretonnia)
- Ballista (Dogs of War)
- Balthasar Gelt
- Baron Heinrich von Torlichhelm
- Baron Ungorr the Merciless
- Barrow Chariot
- Bastethi
- Bastiladon
- Bat Swarms
- Battle Wizard
- Bazuka
- Beastlord
- Beastmaster Apprentice
- Beastmaster (Dark Elves)
- Beastmaster (Kingdoms of Ind)
- Beastmaster (Norsca)
- Beasts of Nurgle
- Beekeepers
- Be'lakor
- Belannaer the Wise
- Belegar Ironhammer
- Belladamma Volga
- Bengal Riders
- Bengal Tiger
- Beorg Bearstruck and the Bearmen of Urslo
- Berserkers
- Bertha Bestraufrung
- Bertrand the Brigand
- Bestigors
- Bigfeed Bonehead
- The Birdmen of Catrazza
- Black Ark Corsairs
- Black Ark Fleetmaster
- Black Coach
- Black Dragon
- The Black Gobbo
- Black Guard of Morr
- Black Guard of Morr On Foot
- Black Guard of Naggarond
- Black Knights
- Black Orc Big Boss
- Black Orc Warboss
- Black Orcs (Chaos Dwarfs)
- Black Orcs (Orcs & Goblins)
- Black Watchman
- Bladedancers
- Bleakswords
- Bloab Rotspawned
- Bloated Corpse
- Blood Chariot
- Blood Dragon Vampire
- Blood Dragon Vampire Lord
- Blood Knights
- Blood Throne
- Bloodbeasts
- Bloodcrushers
- Bloodletters
- Bloodmaster
- Bloodthirster
- Bloodwrack Medusa
- Bloodwrack Shrine
- The Blue Scribes
- Bohemond the Beastslayer
- Bolt Thrower
- Bolt Thrower (Amazons)
- Bombard
- Bondsmen
- Bone Hydra
- Bone Thrower
- Bonegrinder Giant
- Borgio the Besieger
- Borgut Facebeater
- Boris Todbringer (Cult of Ulric)
- Boris Todbringer (The Empire)
- Boris Ursus
- Bowmen
- Boyar
- Braganza's Besiegers
- Bragg the Gutsman
- Bragi Sturluson
- Branchwraith
- Braugh Slavelord
- Bray-Shaman
- Bretonnian Lord
- Brewmaster
- Brigands
- Brimstone Horrors
- Brok Stonefist
- Bronzino's Galloper Guns
- Brood Horror
- Brother Valdemar
- Brotherhood of the Axe
- Brotherhood of the Bear
- Bruiser
- Buccaneers
- Bull Centaur Renders
- Bull Centaur Taur'ruk
- Bull Centaurs
- Burlok Damminson
- Burning Chariot
- Butcher
- Byrrnoth Grundadrakk
- Caballeros
- Cado Ezechiar
- Cairn Wraith
- Cairn Wraiths
- Camel
- Camel Gunners
- Camel Riders (Araby)
- Camel Riders (Kingdoms of Ind)
- Cannon (Araby)
- Cannon (Dogs of War)
- Cannon (Dwarfs)
- Cannon (Kislev)
- Cannon (Nippon)
- Captain (Cult of Ulric)
- Captain Edvard Van Der Kraal & Manann's Blades
- Captain (Estalia)
- Captain of the Empire
- Caradryan
- Carmen Sicilieri
- Carnosaur
- Carrion
- Carronade
- Casket of Souls
- Cauldron of Blood
- Cave Squig
- Celestial Captain
- Celestial Dragon Crossbowmen
- Celestial Dragon Guard
- Celestial Dragon Lancers
- Celestial Dragon Monks
- Celestial General
- Centaurs
- Centigors
- Chakax
- Chameleon Skinks
- Changebringers
- Changecaster
- The Changeling
- Chaos Chariots
- Chaos Chosen
- Chaos Cultist
- Chaos Dragon
- Chaos Dwarf Warriors
- Chaos Furies
- Chaos Giant (Beastmen)
- Chaos Giant (Warriors of Chaos)
- Chaos Knights
- Chaos Lord
- Chaos Marauders
- Chaos Ogres
- Chaos Sorcerer
- Chaos Sorcerer Lord
- Chaos Spawn (Beastmen)
- Chaos Spawn (Warriors of Chaos)
- Chaos Steed
- Chaos Trolls
- Chaos War Mammoth
- Chaos Warhounds (Beastmen)
- Chaos Warhounds (Warriors of Chaos)
- Chaos Warriors
- Chaos Warshrine
- Chariots (Albion)
- Chekists
- Cheng Long
- Chieftain (Albion)
- Chieftain (Skaven)
- Children of Ulric
- Chimera
- Chuck Wagon
- City Guard (Dark Elves)
- City Guard (Kislev)
- City Militia
- Clanrats
- Clegg the Indomitable
- Coatl
- Cockatrice
- Cold One
- Cold One (Amazons)
- Cold One Chariot
- Cold One Knights
- Cold One Riders (Amazons)
- Cold One Riders (Lizardmen)
- Colossal Squig
- Conor Mac Feud
- Conquistadors
- Contorted Epitome
- Cormac Chath
- Corpse Cart
- Corpseripper Vulture
- Corsairs
- Count Mordrek
- Count Noctilus
- Coven Throne
- Cragbeast
- Crane Gunners
- Crazed Khargrim
- Crone Hellebron
- Crossbowmen
- Crossbowmen (Cult of Ulric)
- Crossbowmen (Dogs of War)
- Crossbowmen (The Empire)
- Crypt Ghouls
- Crypt Horrors
- Culchan
- Culchan Riders
- Culverin
- The Cursed Company
- Cursed Ettin
- Cutthroats
- Cygor
- Cylostra Direfin
- Daemon Brutes
- Daemon Prince
- Daemon Prince (Warriors of Chaos)
- Daemon Slayer
- Daemonettes
- Daemonic Mount
- Daemonsmith
- Daimyo
- Damsel of the Lady
- Dankhold Troll
- Darahma
- Dark Maiden
- Dark Pegasus
- Dark Riders
- Dark Steed
- Darkshards
- Dawate Tadamune
- Death Hag
- Deathmaster Snikch
- Deathroller
- Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher
- Dechala
- Deck Cannon
- Deck Droppers
- Deck Gunners (Pirates of Sartosa)
- Deck Gunners (Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast)
- Deepwood Scout
- Demigryph
- Demigryph Knights
- Demilancers
- Depth Guard
- Deputies
- Dervishes (Araby)
- Desert Riders
- Despot
- Devastators
- Dexcessa
- Diestro
- Dieter Helsnicht
- Dieter von Nachttorin
- Dire Wolf (Hobgoblins)
- Dire Wolves
- Disc of Tzeentch (Daemons of Chaos)
- Disc of Tzeentch (Warriors of Chaos)
- Disciple of Khaine
- Doctor "Doc" Exmelin
- Don Lomente
- Doom Diver Catapult
- Doom-flayer
- Doombull
- Doomfire Warlocks
- Doomseekers
- Doomwheel
- Dragon-Blooded Shugengan
- Dragon Cannon
- Dragon Descendant
- Dragon Mage of Caledor
- Dragon Ogre Shaggoth (Beastmen)
- Dragon Ogre Shaggoth (Warriors of Chaos)
- Dragon Ogres (Beastmen)
- Dragon Ogres (Warriors of Chaos)
- Dragon Princes of Caledor
- Dragon Slayer
- Drazhoath the Ashen
- Dread Maw
- Dread Saurian
- Dreadlord
- Dreadquake Mortar
- Dreadspears
- Drenok Johansen
- Droyaska
- Druid Neophytes
- Druzhina
- Dryads
- Drycha
- Drycha Hamadreth
- Duellists
- Dural Durak
- Durthu Oakheart
- Dwarf Mercenary Captain
- Dwarf Sea Dogs
- Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower
- Eagle Warriors
- Earthshaker Mortar
- Egrimm van Horstmann
- Elemental Bear
- Elf Mercenary Captain
- Elspeth von Draken
- Eltharion the Blind
- Eltharion the Grim
- Elven Steed (High Elves)
- Elven Steed (Wood Elves)
- Emil Valgeir
- Eminent Magus
- Emir
- Empress Himiko
- Epidemius
- Erik Redaxe
- Eshin Sorcerer
- Eshin Sorcerer Lord
- Eshin Triad
- Eternal Guard
- Exalted Daemon
- Exalted Flamer
- Exalted Hero
- Exalted Seeker Chariot
- Faceless
- Falconet
- Farm Animal
- Fatemasters
- Fell Bats
- Fenbeasts
- Fenhulk
- Fenrir Wolfclaw
- Festus the Leechlord
- Feytor the Tainted
- Field Engineers
- Field Trebuchet
- Fieldwardens
- Fiends
- Finubar the Seafarer
- Fire Bulls
- Fire Rain Rocket
- Fire Rockets
- Firebelly
- Firethrower
- Fireworks Cart
- Firewyrm
- First Mate
- Fithvael
- Flagellants
- Flame Cannon
- Flamers
- Flamespyre Phoenix
- Flamethrower
- Flaming Arrow
- Flayerkin
- Flesh Hounds
- Fleur & Estella
- Flóki 'Lostson'
- Flying Carpet
- Flying Carpet Riders
- Flying Crow
- Flying Galley
- Foot Knights
- Forest Dragon
- Forest Goblin Big Boss
- Forest Goblin Great Shaman
- Forest Goblin Shaman
- Forest Goblin Spider Riders
- Forest Goblin Warboss
- Forest Goblins
- Forsaken
- Francisco Cortez
- Free Company Militia
- Freelancers
- Frost Giant
- Frost Maiden
- Frostheart Phoenix
- Gabbo Flugbend
- Galrauch
- Gamekeepers
- Ganeshas
- Garagrim Ironfist
- Garudas
- Gashnag
- Gaunt Summoner
- General of the Empire
- Genies
- Genitors
- Ghark Ironskin
- Ghazak Khan (Dogs of War)
- Ghazak Khan (Hobgoblins)
- Ghorgon
- Ghoritch
- Ghorros Warhoof
- Ghorth the Cruel
- Giacchino de Falco
- Giant (Albion)
- Giant Chaos Spawn
- Giant (Dogs of War)
- Giant (Hobgoblin)
- Giant (Orcs & Goblins)
- Giant Rats
- Giant River Troll Hag
- Giant Scorpions
- Giant Spider
- Giant Spined Chaos Beast
- Giant Swan
- Giant Wolf
- The Giants of Albion
- Gigantic Spider
- Gilead & Fithvael
- Gitilla da Hunter
- Glade Captain
- Glade Guards
- Glade Lord
- Glade Rider
- Gladiators
- The Glottkin
- Glutos Orscollion
- Gnoblar Fighters
- Gnoblar Scraplauncher
- Gnoblar Skewerslinger
- Gnoblar Trappers
- Goblin Big Boss
- Goblin Great Shaman
- Goblin Nasty Skulkers
- Goblin Shaman
- Goblin Slaves
- Goblin Warboss
- Goblin Wolf Chariot
- Goblin Wolf Riders
- Goblins
- The Golden Magus
- Golgfag Maneater
- Golgfag's Mercenary Ogres
- Gor-Rok
- Gorbad Ironclaw
- Gordrakk
- Gorduz Backstabber
- Gorebeast Chariot
- Gorebull
- Gorfang Rotgut
- Gorger
- Gorols
- Gors
- Gorthor
- Gossamid Archers
- Gotrek and Felix
- Grail Knights
- Grail Pilgrims
- Grand Admiral Hrofil Halfdane
- Grand Cannon
- Grand Commander
- Grand Hierophant Khatep
- Grand Master
- Grand Master of Knights of the Sacred Scythe
- Grand Master of Knights of the Broken Sword
- Grand Master of Knights of the Hammer of Sigmar
- Grand Master of the Knights Encarmine
- Grand Master of the Knights of Taal's Fury
- Grand Master of the Knights of the Black Bear
- Grand Master of the Knights of the Black Rose
- Grand Master of the Knights of the Raven
- Grand Master of the Knights of the Twin-tailed Orb
- Grand Master of the Knights of the Vengeful Sun
- Grand Master of the Knights of the Verdant Field
- Grand Master of the Templars of Sigmar
- Grave Guard
- Greasus Goldtooth
- Great Bear
- Great Bray-Shaman
- Great Cannon (Cult of Ulric)
- Great Cannon (Kingdoms of Ind)
- Great Cannon (The Empire)
- Great Cave Squig
- Great Eagles
- Great Guard
- Great Mawpot
- Great Pox Rat
- Great Stag
- Great Taurus
- Great Unclean One
- Great Wyrm
- Greatswords
- The Green Knight
- Grenadiers
- Grey Seer
- Griffon (Dogs of War)
- Griffon (Estalia)
- Griffon (High Elves)
- Grimgor Ironhide
- Grimhorn Rhinox Riders
- Grimm Burloksson
- Grog Lubbers
- Grom the Paunch
- Grombrindal
- Groth Onefinger
- Gruarth
- Grudge Thrower
- Grudgebreaker
- Grumlok & Gazbag
- Grunta
- Gryphon Legion
- Guan Fei
- Guardian Lion
- Gunnery Wight
- Gunther Spengler
- Gutrot Spume
- Gutter Runner
- Gwenlaen
- Gyrobomber
- Gyrocopter
- Haargroth the Blooded One
- Hag Mother
- Hag Queen
- Hag Tree
- Hag Witch
- Halberdiers (Cult of Ulric)
- Halberdiers (The Empire)
- Half Giants
- Halfling Hot Pot
- Halflings (Dogs of War)
- Halflings (The Empire)
- Hallar the Swordmaster
- Hammerers
- Hand Mortar
- Handgunners (Cult of Ulric)
- Handgunners (The Empire)
- Handmaidens of the Everqueen
- Hans Leitdorf
- Har Ganeth Executioners
- Harald Hammerstorm
- Harpies (Beastmen)
- Harpies (Dark Elves)
- Harpooners
- Hashishin
- Hatamoto
- Hearthguard
- Heavy War Sled
- Heinrich Kemmler
- Heinrich von Torlichhelm
- Helblaster Volley Gun
- Hell-Hammer Cannon
- Hell Pit Abomination
- Hellcannon (Chaos Dwarfs)
- Hellcannon (Warriors of Chaos)
- Hellflayer
- Hellsteed
- Hellstriders of Slaanesh
- Helman Ghorst
- Helstorm Rocket Battery
- Hengus the Druid
- The Herald Nekaph
- Herbalist
- The Hermit Knight of Malmont
- Herrimaults
- Hexwraiths
- Hierotitan
- High Gladiatrix
- High Inquisitor
- High Priest of Ulric
- High Queen Khalida Neferher
- High Shugenja
- Hill Tribesmen
- Hippogryph Knights
- Hireling Wizard
- Hireling Wizard Lord
- Hisme Stoutheart
- Hitomi Gozen
- Hobgobla Khan
- Hobgoblin Chieftain
- Hobgoblin Mercenary Captain
- Hobgoblin Spear Chukka
- Hobgoblin Warriors (Chaos Dwarfs)
- Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders
- Hobgoblin Wolf Riders
- Hobhounds
- Hobilars
- Holy Warriors
- Horned One
- Horned One Riders
- Horticulous Slimux
- Hot Pot
- Hothgar the Renegade
- Housewives
- Hrothgar Daemon-Axe
- Hua Gongzhu
- Hubert Valentour
- Hunter
- Hunters (Albion)
- Hunters (Norsca)
- The Hunters of Sigmar
- Hunting Hounds
- Huntresses
- Huntsmen
- Huscarls
- Ice Drake
- Ice Guard
- Ice Mammoth
- Ice Witch
- Ice Wolves
- Igor the Terrible
- Ikit Claw
- Ilja of Murova
- Immortals
- Imp Swarm
- Imperial Dwarfs
- Imperial Griffon (The Empire)
- Imperial Ogres
- Imperial Pegasus
- Imrik
- Infernal Enrapturess
- Infernal Guard
- Inferno Gun
- Inner Circle Knights of the White Wolf (Cult of Ulric)
- Inner Circle Knights Panther (Cult of Ulric)
- Inquisitor
- Inxi-Huinzi
- Iron Daemon War Engine
- Iron Hail Gunners
- Ironblaster
- Ironbreakers
- Irondrakes
- Ironguts
- Isabella Giovanna Luccelli
- Isabella von Carstein
- Itzi-Bitzi
- Ivya Volga
- Jabberslythe
- Jade Archers
- Jade Horse Archers
- Jade Horsemen
- Jade Longma
- Jade Warriors
- Jaego Roth
- Jaguar
- Jaguar Hunting Packs
- Jaguar Warriors
- Janissaries
- Jarl
- Jasperre the Fair
- Jerik Wildorn
- Jhared the Red
- Johan the Knife
- Jolly Bolbottom
- Jora and Bjorn
- Josef Bugman
- Juan Federico
- Jubal Falk
- Juggernaut (Daemons of Chaos)
- Juggernaut of Khorne (Warriors of Chaos)
- Juggernaut Siege Tower
- Jules the Jester
- Jungle Stalkers
- Jungle Swarms
- Kabuki Doll
- Kadrin Redmane
- Kairos Fateweaver
- Kalaratris
- Karanak
- Karishna
- Karl Franz
- 'Kathleen' Half Tank
- Kayzk the Befouled
- Kazador Thunderhorn
- K'Daai Destroyer
- K'daai Fireborn
- Keeper of Secrets
- Kensai
- Keorl Thunderhand
- Khainite Assassin
- Khalil al-Zahir
- Khan
- Khar-mel
- Kharash
- Kharibdyss
- Khazek
- Khazrak One-Eye
- Khemrian Warsphinx
- Khemric Titan
- Kheshig Dire Wolf Riders
- Kheshig Wolf Riders
- Khinerai
- Kholek Suneater
- Khorgos Khul
- King
- King Phar
- Kirin
- Kitsune
- Klawmunkast
- The Knight of the Perilous Lance
- Knightly Orders (Estalia)
- Knightly Orders (The Empire)
- Knights Encarmine
- Knights Errant
- Knights Griffon
- Knights of Sigmar's Blood
- Knights of Taal's Fury
- Knights of the Black Bear
- Knights of the Black Lynx
- Knights of the Black Rose
- Knights of the Blazing Sun
- Knights of the Broken Sword
- Knights of the Everlasting Light
- Knights of the Fiery Heart
- Knights of the Gold Lion
- Knights of the Hammer of Sigmar
- Knights of the Raging Bull
- Knights of the Raven
- Knights of the Realm
- Knights of the Sacred Scythe
- Knights of the Twin-tailed Orb
- Knights of the Vengeful Sun
- Knights of the Verdant Field
- Knights of the White Wolf (Cult of Ulric)
- Knights of the White Wolf (The Empire)
- Knights Panther (Cult of Ulric)
- Knights Panther (The Empire)
- Kollossus
- Komainu
- Komainu Riders
- Konrad von Carstein
- Kordel Shorgaar
- Korhil
- Kossars
- Kossovite Dervishes
- Kostaltyn
- Kouran Darkhand
- Kragg the Grim
- Krell
- Kreml Guard
- Kritza
- Kroq
- Kroq-Gar
- Kroxigors
- Krusher the Anchorman
- Ku'gath Plaguefather
- Kurdoss Valentian
- Kurt Helborg
- Kvassnics
- Lady Annika
- The Lady of Vines
- Lady Olynder
- Lahmian Handmaidens
- Lahmian Vampire
- Lahmian Vampire Lady
- Lammasu
- Lavarro San Andera
- Layla bint Suraya
- Leadbelchers
- Leonardo da Miragliano
- Leopold's Leopard Company
- Liandra Athinol
- Liche High Priest
- Liche Lord
- Liche Priest
- Lietpold the Black
- Light War Sled
- Lion Chariot of Chrace
- Liu Yun
- Lokhir Fellheart
- Lokjar Bjoergir
- Lombard
- Long Drong's Slayer Pirates
- Longbeards
- Longma Riders
- The Longshanks
- Lord
- Lord Kroak
- Lord Magistrate
- Lord Mazdamundi
- Lord of Aenarion
- Lord of Change
- Lord Skrolk
- Loremaster of Hoeth
- Lorenzo Lupo
- Lothern Sea Guard
- Lothern Sea Helm
- Lothern Skycutter
- Lothlann the Brave
- Lotl-Botl
- Louen Leoncoeur
- Lucrezzia Belladonna
- Ludwig Schwarzhelm
- Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks
- Luthor Harkon
- Luthor Huss
- Lwaxana
- Lysippe
- Mage
- Magistrate
- Maglah Khan
- Magma Cannon
- Magnus the Pious
- Magus
- Maharajah
- Maiden Guard
- Makara
- Malagor
- Malakai Makaisson's Goblin-hewer
- Malekith
- Malik Ibn La'Ahad
- Malus Darkblade
- Mamelukes
- Mandred Skavenslayer
- Maneaters
- Mangler Squigs
- Mangonel
- Mangonel (Nippon)
- Mangudai
- Mannfred von Carstein
- Mansabdars
- Manticore
- Mantrik
- Mantrik Lord
- Marauder Chariot
- Marauder Chieftain
- Marauder Horsemen
- Marauder Hunters
- Marauders
- Marco Colombo
- Maria de Salvo
- Marianna Chevaux
- Marienberg Land Ship
- Marines
- Marius Leitdorf
- Marksmen of Miragliano
- Markus Wulfhart
- Maruts
- The Masque of Slaanesh
- Master
- Master Assassin
- Master Chef
- Master Engineer
- Master Engineer (Dwarfs)
- Master Moulder
- Master Mutator
- Master Necromancer
- Master Thief
- Masters and Idlers
- Mastodon
- Matchlock Ashigaru
- Matriarch
- Maw-Crusher
- Mazarall the Butcher
- Meadow Chariot
- Mechanical Steed
- Melandra Hawkeye
- Melekh the Changer
- Melkhior the Ancient
- Melusai
- Melusai Ironscale
- Men-at-Arms
- Mengil Manhide's Manflayers
- Mercenary Captain
- Mercenary Dwarfs
- Mercenary Elves
- Mercenary General
- Mercenary Ogres
- Mercenary Ogres (Cathay)
- Mercenary Ogres (Dogs of War)
- Mercenary Orcs
- Merchant Prince
- Merwyrm
- Mhogli
- Miao Ying
- Midden Marshal
- Middenheim Militia
- Mikoshi Shrine
- Militia Archers
- Militia Spearmen
- Militia Swordsmen
- Minamoto Kenshin
- Miners
- Minotaurs
- Miska the Slaughterer
- Mistress
- Mistweavers
- Mizuchi
- Molokh Slugtongue
- The Monkey King
- Monkey Warriors
- Monster Bombard
- Moon Dragon
- Moonclaw
- Moot Elder
- Moot Ogres
- Moot Treemen
- Morathi
- Morbidex Twiceborn
- Morbus Sanguis
- Morg Magmaborn
- Morgan Bernhardt
- Morghur
- Morgiana le Fay
- Morglum Necksnapper
- Morrigan
- Mortar (Cult of Ulric)
- Mortar (The Empire)
- Mortar (Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast)
- Mortis Engine
- Mountain Bandits
- Mournfang
- Mournfang Cavalry
- Mourngul
- Mr. Bill
- Mutalith Vortex Beast
- Mutants
- Mydas the Mean
- Naestra & Arahan
- Naffatun
- Nagas
- Naieth the Prophetess
- Nakai the Wanderer
- Necrarch Vampire
- Necrarch Vampire Lord
- Necrofex Colossus (Vampire Counts)
- Necrofex Colossus (Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast)
- Necrolith Colossus
- Necromancer
- Necropolis Knights
- Necrosphinx
- Necrotect
- Neferata
- Nergui
- Nicholas Warfoot
- Nicodemus
- Night Goblin
- Night Goblin Big Boss
- Night Goblin Great Shaman
- Night Goblin Shaman
- Night Goblin Sneaky Snufflers
- Night Goblin Squig Gobba
- Night Goblin Squig Herd
- Night Goblin Squig Hoppers
- Night Goblin Squig Hunters
- Night Goblin Warboss
- Night Runner
- Nightmare
- Ninja
- Njal Troelson
- N'Kari
- Noble
- Nomad Scouts
- Norse Cold One Riders
- Norse Horsemen
- Norse Marauders
- Norse Reavers
- Nurglings
- Nurglitch
- O-Sayumi
- Odari Nobuhide
- Odo d'Outremer & Suliman the Saracen
- Ogglethorpe Bulnhelm
- Oglah Kahan
- Oglah Khan's Wolfboyz
- Ogre Bodyguard
- Ogre Bulls
- Ogre Maneaters
- Ogre Mercenary Captain
- Onager
- Oni
- Onna Bushi
- Onyx Crowmen
- Orc Arrer Boyz
- Orc Big Boss
- Orc Boar Boyz
- Orc Boar Chariot
- Orc Boyz
- Orc Brutes
- Orc Freebooterz
- Orc Gore-gruntas
- Orc Great Shaman
- Orc Mercenary Captain
- Orc Shaman
- Orc Slaves
- Orc Warboss
- Orc Warchanter
- Organ Gun
- Orghotts Daemonspew
- Orion
- Orlok
- Ottokar Mehmed Agha
- Outriders
- Overlord
- Oxyotl
- Ozutzu Ashigaru
- Palace Guard
- Paladin
- Palanquin
- Palanquin (Daemons of Chaos)
- Palanquin of Nurgle (Warriors of Chaos)
- Parashuruma
- Patriarch
- Paymaster
- Paymaster's Bodyguard
- Peasant Archers
- Peasant Bowmen
- Peasant Horse Archers
- Peasant Horsemen
- Peasant Javelinmen
- Peasant Levy
- Peasant Militia
- Peasant Mob
- Pegasus (Dogs of War)
- Pegasus (Estalia)
- Pegasus Guard
- Pegasus (High Elves)
- Pegasus Knights
- Pentheselia
- Phoenix Guard
- Phytrion
- Pikemen (Dogs of War)
- Pikemen (Estalia)
- Pindari Horsemen
- Pink Horrors
- Piranha Warriors
- Pirate Captain
- Pirate Crew
- Pirate Lord
- Pirate Sorcerer
- Pirazzo's Lost Legion
- Pistoliers
- Pixie Swarms
- Pixiu
- Plague Censer Bearers
- Plague Chariot
- Plague Drones
- Plague Furnace
- Plague Monks
- Plague Priest
- Plague Rats
- Plague Toads
- Plaguebearers
- Plagueclaw Catapult
- Plaguelord
- Plaguestrangler Vilestench
- Pleasureseekers
- Poisoned Wind Globadiers
- Poisoned Wind Mortar
- Powder Monkeys
- Pox Riders
- Poxbringer
- Preyton
- Priestess
- Priestess of Myrmidia
- Priestess of Shallya
- Prince
- Prince Apophas
- Prince of Thieves
- Prince Tutankhanut
- Prince Vhordrai
- Prophetess of the Lady
- Pusgoyle Blightlords
- Putrid Blightkings
- Quarrellers
- Queek Headtaker
- Queen Bess
- Questing Knights
- Rabble
- Radiant Pegasus
- Radukar the Wolf
- Rajah
- Rajputs
- Rakarth
- Rakshasas
- Ramhorn
- Ramhotep the Visionary
- Ranger
- Rangers (Dwarfs)
- Rat Ogre Bonebreaker
- Rat Ogres
- Rat Swarms
- Ratling Gun
- Ravagers
- The Ravenswyrd
- Razordon Hunting Pack
- Razorgor Chariots
- Razorgors
- Razortooth Rats
- Reaper
- Reaper Bolt Thrower
- Reaver Knights
- Reavers
- The Red Duke
- Reikenor the Grimhailer
- Reiksguard Foot Knights
- Reiksguard Knights
- Rein Volkhard (Cult of Ulric)
- Rein Volkhard (The Empire)
- Repanse de Lyonesse
- Reynard the Hunter
- Rhinox
- Rhinox War Chariot
- Ribault
- Ricardo Lupe
- Ricco's Republican Guard
- Ripperdactyl
- Ripperdactyl Riders
- Roc
- Rock Lobber
- Rodeleros
- Rogue Idol of Gork
- Rokkit Launcha
- Roland the Marshal
- Ronin
- Rot Fly
- Roth Mac Lyr
- Rotigus
- Rotting Leviathan
- Rotting Prometheans
- Royal Chariots
- Royal Elephant
- Royal Guard
- Royal Hippogryph
- Royal Pegasus
- Ruglud's Armoured Orcs
- Rune Guardians
- Runelord
- Runesmith
- Rutger Wolfrick
- Rykarth the Unbreakable
- Sabretusk Pack
- Sacrosanctum of the Lady
- Salâh ad-Dîn
- Salamander Hunting Pack
- Salendor
- Samurai Cavalry
- Samurai Warriors
- Sanada Naomasa
- Sandglass of Time
- Santiago de Vivar
- Sarutori Hanzo
- Saurus Oldblood
- Saurus Scar-Veteran
- Saurus Warriors
- Savage Orc Big Boss
- Savage Orc Boar Boyz
- Savage Orc Great Shaman
- Savage Orc Shaman
- Savage Orc Warboss
- Savage Orcs
- Sayl the Faithless
- Scarloc
- Sceolan
- Scorpion
- Scourgerunner Chariot
- Screamers
- Screaming Bell
- Screaming Skull Catapult
- Scurvy Dog
- Scyla Anfingrim
- Sea Giant
- Sea Lord Aislinn
- Sea Serpent Riders
- Seeker Chariot
- Seekers
- Seer
- Sehenesmet
- Selafyn
- Sellswords
- Seneschal of the White Wolf
- Sepoys
- Sepulchral Stalker
- Serpent Guard
- Serpent High Priestess
- Serpent of Slaanesh
- Sethep the Merciless
- Settra the Imperishable
- Shades
- Shadow Warriors
- Shadowblade
- Shadowdancer
- Shalaxi Helbane
- Shaman Elder
- Shaman (Hobgoblins)
- Shaman (Kislev)
- Shar'tor the Executioner
- Shearer
- Sheikh
- Sheriff
- Shesha
- Shieldbearers (Albion)
- Shieldbearers (Dwarfs)
- Shieldmaidens
- Shinobi
- Ship's Mate
- Shugenja
- Sibyrian Hunters
- Siege Giant
- Siegfried Trappenfeld
- Sigismund Drak
- Sigrun the Proud
- Sigvald the Magnificent
- Silent Guards
- Silver Helms
- Simius Gantt
- Sindibadu
- Sipahis
- Sir Amalric of Gaudaron
- Sisters of Avelorn
- Sisters of Fury
- Sisters of Sigmar
- Sisters of Slaughter
- Sisters of the Thorn
- Skaarac the Bloodborn
- Skald
- Skarbrand
- Skarr Bloodwrath
- Skarsnik
- Skavenslaves
- Skaw
- Skeletal Steed (Tomb Kings)
- Skeletal Steed (Vampire Counts)
- Skeleton Archer
- Skeleton Chariots
- Skeleton Horse Archers
- Skeleton Horsemen
- Skeleton Warriors
- Skeleton Warriors (Vampire Counts)
- Skin Wolves (Norsca)
- Skin Wolves (Warriors of Chaos)
- Skink Chief
- Skink Cohort
- Skink Priest
- Skink Skirmishers
- Skirmishers (Amazons)
- Skirmishers (Kingdoms of Ind)
- Skrag the Slaughterer
- Skragrott
- Skreech Verminkin
- Skretch Half-Dead
- Skull Cannon
- Skullcrushers
- Skullreapers
- Skulltaker
- Skweel Gnawtooth
- Sky-junk
- Sky Lantern
- Slann Mage-Priest
- Slaughterbrute
- Slaughtermaster
- Slaughterpriest
- Slave Levies
- Slavegiant
- Slaves
- Slayers
- Sloppity Bilepiper
- Snagla Grobspit
- Snake Swarms
- Snake Swarms (Kingdoms of Ind)
- Sneaky Gits
- Sneaky Gits (Hobgoblins)
- Snotling Pump Wagon
- Snotlings
- Snow Leopards
- Snow Trolls
- Sobutai
- Sons of Manann
- Sons of Manann On Foot
- Sons of Stromfels
- Sorcerer
- Sorcerer Lord (Araby)
- Sorcerer Lord (Pirates of Sartosa)
- Sorcerer-Prophet
- Sorceress
- Soul Grinder
- Spear Chukka
- Spear Chukka (Hobgoblins)
- Spearmen (Cult of Ulric)
- Spearmen (High Elves)
- Spearmen (The Empire)
- Spellsinger
- Spellweaver
- Spinetail
- Spirit Hosts
- Spirits of the Fay
- Spite Revenants
- Spiterider Revenants
- Spoilpox Scrivener
- Squires
- Star Dragon
- Steam Tank
- Steed of Slaanesh (Daemons of Chaos)
- Steed of Slaanesh (Warriors of Chaos)
- Stegadon (Amazons)
- Stegadon (Lizardmen)
- Stepan Rasin
- Stone Thrower (Albion)
- Stonehorn
- Stormfiends
- Stormhurler Crossbow
- Stormvermin
- Stradiots
- Streltsi
- Strigoi Vampire
- Strigoi Vampire Lord
- Sturmjarl
- Styrkaar of the Sortsvinaer
- Styrmir Rimefrost
- Sultan Jaffar
- Sumo Warriors
- Sun Dragon
- Supreme Sorceress
- Swabbies
- Swan Riders
- Swivel Gunners
- Swordmaidens
- Swordmasters of Hoeth
- Swordsmen (Cult of Ulric)
- Swordsmen (The Empire)
- Syll'Esske
- Sylvan Hunters
- Sylvanian Peasant Levy
- Synessa
- Syreen
- Taiko Drum
- Takai Katsuyori
- Tamurkhan
- Tancred II
- Taurox
- Teclis
- Tehenhauin
- Templar Crusader
- Templars of Sigmar
- Temple Chariot
- Temple Dogs
- Temple Guard
- Ten-zlati
- Tenderizer
- Tengu
- Tercios
- Terracotta Sentinel
- Terracotta Warriors
- Terradon
- Terradon Riders (Amazons)
- Terradon Riders (Lizardmen)
- Terrorgheist
- Tetto'eko
- Teutogen Guard
- Thaindal
- Thalandor Doomstar
- Thalestris
- Thane
- Thanquol & Boneripper
- Theodore Bruckner
- Thieves
- Thorek Ironbrow
- Thorgrim Grudgebearer
- Thralls
- Throat-Slasher
- Throgg
- Throt the Unclean
- Thunderbarge
- Thunderers
- Thundertusk
- Thyrus Gormann
- Tian Shi
- Tichi-Huichi's Raiders
- Tiktaq'to
- Tiranoc Chariot
- Tokudaira Ieyasu
- Tomas Bacham
- Tomb Banshee
- Tomb Barque of Usirian
- Tomb Guard
- Tomb Herald
- Tomb King
- Tomb Prince
- Tomb Scorpions
- Tomb Swarms
- Tordimir Lubovasyn
- Traction Catapult
- Tree Kin
- Tree Revenants
- Treeman
- Treeman Ancient
- Tretch Craventail
- Tribal Skirmishers
- Tribal Warriors
- Tristan the Troubadour & Jules the Jester
- Troglodon
- Trolls
- Truffle Hounds
- Truthsayer
- Tullaris Dreadbringer
- Turtigon Battle Platform
- Tuskgor Chariot
- Tyrant
- Tyrion
- Tzar Cannon
- Tzar Saltan
- Tzarina Katarin
- Uesigo Norimasa
- Ulfjarl
- Ulfwerenar
- Ulli & Marquand
- Ulrika Grunfrau
- Ulrika Magdova Straghov
- Ungol Horse Archers
- Ungor Raiders
- Ungors
- Ungrim Ironfist
- Ungrol Four-Horn
- Unicorn (Bretonnia)
- Unicorn (High Elves)
- Unicorn (Wood Elves)
- Urjana
- Urugan Cannon
- Urumi Swordsmen
- Ushabti
- Valkia the Bloody
- Valkyrie
- Valmir von Raukov
- Valnir the Reaper
- Valten
- Valten (Chosen of Sigmar)
- Valten (Exalted of Sigmar)
- Vampire Fleet Admiral
- Vampire Fleet Captain
- Vanaras
- Vangheist
- Varanguard
- Vardek Crom
- Vargheists
- Varghulf
- Vermillion Warbird
- Verminlord
- Verminlord Corruptor
- Verminlord Deciever
- Verminlord Warbringer
- Verminlord Warpseer
- Veskit
- Vespero's Vendetta
- Viceleader
- Vilitch the Curseling
- Vimana Chariot
- Viridian Lords
- Vishkanya
- Vitki
- Vlad von Carstein
- Voland's Venators
- Volkmar the Grim
- von Carstein Vampire
- von Carstein Vampire Lord
- Vorgaroth the Scarred
- Vorn Thugenheim
- Wako Pirates
- Walach Harkon
- War Altar of Sigmar
- War Altar of Ulric
- War Bear Riders
- War Bears
- War Boar
- War Chariot
- War Dogs
- War Elephant (Araby)
- War Elephants
- War Hounds
- War Hydra
- War-litter
- War Mammoth
- War Rocket
- War Wagon (Hobgoblins)
- War Wagon (Kislev)
- War Wagon (The Empire)
- War Wolf Chariot
- War Wolves
- Wardancers
- Wargor
- Warhawk
- Warhawk Riders
- Warhorse
- Warhorse (Bretonnia)
- Warleader
- Warlock Engineer
- Warlock Master
- Warlord
- Warp-grinder
- Warp Lightning Cannon
- Warpfire Thrower
- Warplock Jezzails
- Warrior Monks
- Warrior Priest
- Warrior Priest of Ulric
- Warriors (Amazons)
- Warriors (Dwarfs)
- Warriors (High Elves)
- Warriors of Araby
- Warriors of Danu
- Warriors of Ulric
- Warsong Revenant
- Waystalker
- Waywatchers
- Werebeast
- Whalers
- Whirlwind
- White Lions of Chrace
- Wight King
- Wild Riders
- Wildwood Rangers
- Wind Daemons
- Winged Lancers
- Winter Wolf
- Winter Wolf Knights
- Witch Elves
- Witch Hunter
- The Witch Hunters
- Wizard Lord (The Empire)
- Woad Raiders
- Wokou Raiders
- Wolf Chariot
- Wolf-kin
- Wolf Raiders
- Wolf Rats
- Wrathmongers
- Wu Xia Blademaster
- Wu Xing War Compass
- Wulfrik the Wanderer
- Wurrzag Ud Ura Zahubu
- Wychwethyl the Wild
- Wyrd Druid
- Wyvern
- Yabusame
- Yakshas
- Yali
- Yamabushi
- Yeomen
- Yhetee Rimespeaker
- Yhetees
- Youngbloods
- Yuan Bo
- Yuri Barkhov
- Zacharias the Everliving
- Zealot Berzerkers
- Zhangu War Drum
- Zhao Ming
- Zhatan the Black
- Zhuge Yi
- Zombie Dragon
- Zombie Pirate Deckhands
- Zombie Pirate Gunners
- Zombies